Personalized Teacher Wooden Pencil Apple Desk Pen Holder, Scissors & Pen Holder, Teacher Gift, Teacher Appreciation Gift, Desk Organizer
Add your personalization?
Please add personalization exactly as you wish it to appear on your box. If you use all caps, that is how it will be displayed on your item. Periods will be placed where shown in the personalization field.
Example: Mrs. Klindt/Miss. Klindt
Personalized pencil holder! What teacher or student doesn't deserve a little something extra! We can't think of a better way to say Thank You! :) To gift, it could be filled with extra goodies and a gift card, or would also be perfect as is.
We construct this out of 1/8in thick maple ply. The whole storage unit is made of wood, including the name. The name is raised lettering which gives a nice 3D appearance. There is no vinyl of any type on this! The storage compartment is stained and the pencil and name are painted. You can choose the color and the font for the name. It is sealed with a clear coat for additional protection. This is complete and ready to use upon arrival!
Examples are done in the following:
Miss Aurora - Baby Girly Script - Pink paint
Archie - Arial Bold Font - All Capital Letters - Rainbow - will add additional colors for longer names
Pencil Dimensions: 12 1/2in x 4 1/2in x 3in . There are 3 individual compartments and they each measure approx. 2in x 3 1/2in x 3in deep. That's a lot of pencils :) This will hold most anything and help clean up the desk!
Apple Dimensions: Height: 5.50 in Width: 5 1/4 in